Edgeless Casino

February 28, 2017 Harry DeVries 0 Comments

Online gambling was valued more than $40 billion in 2016. However, when you engage in online betting you have two main problems: Transparency and Price. There are unfriendly users rules, all players have to wait for payouts and gamble with more than 5% house edge. What is maybe most important is that players don't know what is going on inside the servers and how everything function and work. So that means that it could be rigged. Users must rely on the casino because cooperation is the only way to keep the customers happy and satisfied. 2008 was a great year for online gambling because Bitcoin casinos solved the gambling price problem. 

They offered instant money transaction with anonymity and small house edge. Crypto currency gambling has grown by 37% from 2015 and it has become the main choice for many online gamblers. But still, it has not solved the problem of transparency. The edgeless casino is the solution for your problems because it is the first casino with 0% edge with full transparency and possibility to increase your market shares in order to become a sustainable business. Edgeless betting is a form of gambling that uses 0% of house edge equation as a playing principle. 

How to make a profit by using Edgeless Casino?

There are several different ways to make Edgeless Casino profitable business. First, it provides you with games that depend on a combination of luck and skill and most important, sports betting. 

The difference between Edgeless and traditional casino:
• 0% house edge — Games are based on skill and luck, if you play perfect, you can have 0% edge gambling service. However, if you make the mistake that could give you a disadvantage.
• Instant and free money withdrawals — If you transfer your tokens to provide an instant money deposit or withdrawal you don't have to wait anymore for two days, everything happens instantly.
• Full transparency — It is based on number generator in Ethereum Smart Contact that is completely public. Everyone can see everything that is happening inside the servers.
• No registrations/logins for casino users and 100% anonymity — Wallets are anonymous and there are no any registrations because edgeless casinos protect your anonymity

Phases of Edgeless Casino Project:

1. In the first phase, you can engage in decentralized price pool with more than 40% of casinos profits. You have a chance to win EDG tokens, and to relocate your investments into a bankroll in order to pay out wins for the first wave.
2. The second phase is important because funds must be allocated into a prevention Edgeless Casino's bankroll in order to pay out larger wins. If the bankroll is increased, then the wager is bigger, too.
3. In the third phase, we can expect a development of a new game that is based on luck and skill, similar to black Jack and the game with micro limit dice.
4. In fourth, it is important to engage in sports betting scale that could provide you additional funds that could compensate your investment in order to stay competitive.
5. The Grand Vision is a platform where you can easily develop your own casinos in order to make an impact on casino industry all around the world.

TheCrowdsale begins on February 28th at 3 pm GMT and in the first week you can expect for 1 ETH 1100 EDG, in second 1050 EDG and in the thirds one for 1000 EDG. 
US citizens are not legally allowed to participate in Edgeless Project crowdsale 



Decentralised Edgeless Casino

February 28, 2017 Harry DeVries 0 Comments

Have you been disappointed by many casinos that are not fair and transparent to their players? Currently, many casino players are forced to believe that they will obtain fairness though most of them rig the game in secret for them to record huge profits. Most players have the odds placed against them. There are more than 50 casinos that have been blacklisted for their unethical practices. Transparency and trust are the most difficult practices to find in many online casinos. Online casinos can easily cheat their players, without them noticing it. This is because it is even hard for them to determine whether they cheated on their customers or not. This article will provide all the technical information about Edgeless Casino that you need to know. 

The Edgeless project aims at tackling transparency as a major casinos problem and probably become the best casinos in the world. Features that make edgeless casino unique compared to other casinos

100% transparent

This is a unique feature that completely redefines how players will approach this gambling industry. This is made possible because the casino has Ethereum smart contract that will help players to achieve 0% house edge. This makes the servers of the casino to be accessed by almost everybody who might be interested. Most players have faith that the casino cannot cheat on them. The shareholders disclose the amount of profit they have earned during a specific period. The casino sets aside about 40% of its revenues to go to Edgeless lounge price pool. 
- The casino has a strong competitive advantage than other players because of its high degree of transparency.
- The casino will offer many online gambling games that include;0%edge video poker, dice, black jack, and sport betting
- The edgeless casino has completely revolutionized how casinos operate and the changed the way people approach it.
- The casino will be launched soon, but the company is raising money through its crowd sale event popularly known as the initial coin offering.


Crowdfunding is where the shareholders can purchase digital tokens that can be used as currency and to validate your membership. Players who hold the EDG tokens can request to take part in a lottery when they can earn a lot of money.

The crowdfunding campaign is scheduled to start on 28th February 2017 at 3.00PM GMT. The campaign targets to raise around 360000ETH only by selling tokens to players.The Edgeless casino is no doubt the most transparent casino that you absolutely need to try out! 

Please note: US citizens are not legally allowed to participate in Edgeless Project crowdsale 

QTUM | UTXO based POS Smart Contract Platform

February 28, 2017 Harry DeVries 0 Comments

A new project called Qtum has been made by the Singapore-based Quantum Foundation that arrangements to merge the Bitcoin convention with QTUM Innovation. The open source project incorporates the Ethereum Virtual Machine with Bitcoin's Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO) model and intends to give brilliant contracts to organizations around the world. 

The Qtum team has been looking closely at the territories in which Bitcoin fails to adapt and grabs this opportunity to differentiate itself. Banks and other financial institutions for example, find in bitcoin a strong competitor, however not all banks and institutions have the resources, funds and knowledge in-house available to adapt or exploit the possibilities of the blockchain. And this is where Qtum steps in. With Qtum's Blockchain for businesses, they can easily adapt and integrate this praised technology in their mainstream operations. Question is however; if and when these organization will adapt this technology? 

A Project That Mixes Bitcoin Code With Ethereum's Virtual Machine

The project Qtum is an intriguing decentralized app (Dapp) that joins the Bitcoin customer 0.13, Proof of Stake (PoS), and the Ethereum Virtual Machine to empower shrewd contract administrations. The project has likewise gotten $1 million in subsidizing from speculators, for example, Fenbushi accomplice Bo Shen, Ethereum prime supporter Anthony Di lorio, BitFund originator Xiaolai Li. Qtum will likely give an esteem exchange convention Dapp stage with the best properties of both projects. 

"Qtum incorporated the EVM onto an UTXO-based blockchain, and composing contracts for this ought to be similarly as simple with respect to Ethereum, yet you get the advantages of the UTXO show," clarifies Qtumdesigner Jordan Earlz. "These advantages incorporate versatile/light wallet bolster by SPV, a more steady model (while Ethereum has forked commonly to settle issues with this), and similarity with existing Bitcoin apparatuses and conventions." 


The Qtum Project Will Deploy Master Contracts and Incentivized Proof of Stake

The Qtum improvement group subtle elements how the stage will permit both brilliant contracts and ace contracts that incorporate off-chain information. The Qtum project discloses to the distribution 8btc that ace contracts finish a great deal more than average keen contracts. 

"An agreement marked by two banks could be ended with the accord of the two banks alone," states the Quantum Foundation. An ace contract gives add up to control to the agreement endorsers over the execution or end of the contracts. That is a copy of genuine situation. The Master Contract is an extraordinary stride forward, conveying new potential to the blockchain application and augmenting the idea of the savvy contract. 

The project additionally claims to be the first to actualize a savvy contract framework using Bitcoin's UTXO while likewise coordinating a Proof of Stake instrument. The system agreement is alluded to as IPOS (Incentivized Proof of Stake) which the engineers say compensates the system members. 

Extensive Testing, Sparknet and Utilizing the Most Stable Blockchain

The Qtum group has constructed two Dapp projects so far including Spring Email and Qloha. Both administrations use cryptocurrency arrangements that improve informing applications and Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (STMP). As per the group, the Qtum project is amidst making desktop and portable wallets for its client base. After broad testing, the engineers plan to reveal its testnet application named "Sparknet" which will be the prelude to the official stage dispatch. Qtum additionally has revealed that the group will search out code surveys from autonomous people and associations willing to explore different avenues regarding the project. 

The project is satisfied to use the Bitcoin convention inside the Qtum project, expressing that the Bitcoin blockchain is the most tried and true openly appropriated record accessible. 

"Bitcoin is the most developed, steady and secure blockchain accessible, in contrast with Ethereum, Bitshares or others which are still viewed as flimsy with the various issues and security issues they had since they were propelled," says the Qtum group. Notwithstanding Bitcoin having the greatest support from the group which offers a huge gathering of devices and programming identified with Bitcoin which can be utilized by quantum too, rather than alternate blockchains which now and then need even the least difficult programming. 

The strengths of the Qtum project will make Qtum, if they will al be released, a strongholder and perhaps the only true bitcoin killer app. Because it's interesting to see their technical approach in action and hopefully we will be able to see it in the near future. 


February 28, 2017 Harry DeVries 0 Comments

Ethereum, what is it? It could best described as a public - blockchain based distribution platform, having smart contract functionality as one amongst it main features, it basically partakes in the approval and working of peer to peer contracts, bought through their own personalized cryptocurrency called the "ether".

How do you buy "ethers"?
Well, it's as simple as it could be, just top up your BTC account using your debit/credit card, create an Ethereum e-wallet on the website, and convert those BTC to ethers and you are good to go! But should you even buy ethers, and what is all this hullabaloo about smart contracts?Smart contracts are basically a means to an end, a facilitator to help you reach the end desired goal, it could help you in one of these many ways for contracting, facilitating, neglecting or putting to use, and checking the performance of the contract based on set rigid standards and parameters.

They could be called as metahumans if we are to indulge! Smart contracting helps you offload the task that you could bring tedium and boredom in your day to day tasks, it could automate the most repetitive of tasks without much human intervention, helping you create an additional amount of free time to spend with yourself, doing what you like or charting greener pastures. Applications, where do you use this product?The applications are wide and varying and not restricted to some particular field of work, let me elucidate it for you a little further,Since it is an artificial intelligence based app, let's start from that avenue itself!Some of the hip apps being developed utilizing the Ethereum platform are the ones as mentioned below, it should be read as the ones under construction that add the most amount of value.

1. Creative 
Making google maps more creative, interactive and easier to use A company by the name of the vevue project has already made forays under this category, allowing any or everyone to put 30 seconds or more duration videos on their platform giving a 3D view of a site or street in question.

The incentive provided would be pocketing a few and apt amount of BTC along the way, consumer and the product, all gay and happy!

2. Identity Protection 
We live in a world wherein everything has gone 'digital', and there is a marked possibility of the identity of a person being used to elicit ill-conceived gains, this is where Ethereum comes into the picture! With the rigorous blockchain based identity safe proofing mechanism, it would be easier to pinpoint the exact identity of the person in question!

3. Crowdfunding. 
Let the ideas flow in. Have a well-meaning, researched, world-altering idea at your disposal? Don't know how to get funding to embark upon a territory much unknown?

Then Ethereum could help you still be on track, with the extensive pool of block chain created, it becomes easier for a person to access pots of funding from any willing investor, having related to your project idea. And while utilizing Ethereum, you don't have to worry about the contractual part, this intricately build service takes care of all of the heckles for you!

So, what are you waiting for douse your fingers in this venture, and Ethereum away! Because with Ethereum you got the freedom about your own money and yes you have many options to use is.

If Ethereum is a bitcoin killer, the future will tell, but having used if for over a year now, I have to say I love Ethereum!

Umbra Buy, Trade and Chat while ensuring your privacy

February 27, 2017 Harry DeVries 0 Comments

Almost all the people who communicate or do transactions via the internet are concerned about their privacy. In fact, it is extremely important to ensure your privacy if you don't want to run into any trouble in the future. Several methods are available for you to communicate or do transactions via internet while ensuring your privacy. Umbra can be considered as a perfect example for such a method. 

What exactly is Umbra? Umbra can simply be defined as a complete solution for privacy. It was developed by Shadow Project after conducting an extensive research about the online privacy requirements of people. A lot of people are concerned about their online privacy, but they don't have a clear understanding on the necessary measures that they need to take in order to ensure it. That's the main reason why the developers of Umbra wanted to make it user friendly as much as possible. 


Umbra comes along with a wide array of impressive features as well. These features range from communication to commerce. The entire platform is based on Shadow Network. As a result, it uses the private and untraceable currency offered by Shadow, which is known as Shadow Cash. People who use Shadow Cash are provided with the freedom and privacy to transfer cash according to the way they want. In other words, people who use Shadow Cash don't need to worry about anything when doing transactions. 

Another impressive feature about Umbra is its anonymous chat system. This messaging system is based on Shadow Chat. Shadow Chat is an encrypted and decentralized instant messaging system, which has the ability to keep all conversations private. In fact, all the messages that are sent through this system are encrypted by AES-256-CBC algorithm. Moreover, all the messages are transferred in between nodes in such a way to keep away all the recipients from being inferred by assailants. This chat system can be used to send direct messages to anyone completely secure and private. Or else, the users are provided with the freedom to organize team conversations through channels. In fact, the users can create a channel for a specific team or a topic. If you are planning to communicate sensitive information within a group, you can create a private channel while inviting the trusted team members. 

As mentioned earlier, Umbra has been designed to deliver the best possible user experience to all the users. Therefore, any person will be able to access it and use available functionalities without much hassle. The setting up process is convenient as well and the users can easily get connected to I2P or Tor within a short period of time. 

Umbra is compatible with Windows, Linux and Mac OS operating systems. Moreover, it is backed up by an excellent community forum, which can be used to clarify all the doubts in your mind. Therefore, Umbra can be considered as the best system designed for people who are looking to do transactions and communications in a secure manner. 


ShadowCash Specifications

  • Block time: 60's
  • Difficulty re-target: every block
  • Nominal stake interest: 2% (PoSv3 – static inflation annually)
  • Min. stake age: 8 hours (no max age)
  • P2P port: 51737
  • RPC port: 51736
Read more about the Shadow project here. Information about Umbra can be found here

Ethereum - The Next-Level Virtual Platform

February 27, 2017 Harry DeVries 0 Comments

Ethereum is a platform which is capable of creating applications that speed up program transactions without the need for a 3rd party or a middle company. Since it functions independently, it eliminates the presence of delays, discrepancies and breach to information. 

This highly advanced platform is mainly centered on three major smart contracts. These contracts allow you to:
  • Build, issue and develop your own virtual currency
  • Create a crowdfund for an upcoming project
  • Start an organization

1. Build, issue and develop your own virtual currency

Ethereum creates applications which allow you to build your own form of currency and payment system with the use of a digital token that has its own business value. With the use of this application, you can set your digital tokens to a form of currency that can be stored, transacted and accepted by any virtual wallet that runs with similar preprogrammed codes. The value of these digital tokens can be set to a certain amount and operated based on your personal preference. Apps, specifically games, can run based on this type of currency. Hence, if you are a developer who wants to put value to an app that you created, you can turn transactions to digital coins or tokens that can take up the value of real money.

2. Create a crowdfund for an upcoming project

If you have a project which needs a certain amount of budget, you can create a crowdfund contract where interested individuals can contribute their money without the fear of being ripped off. This crowdfund contract can be set in a way that the money will be released after a certain goal is reached or accomplished. If you have a great idea which needs heavy funding, you can utilize Ethereum to carry out the process of obtaining appropriate resources to support your projects. 

Safe crowdfunding is a win-win situation for you as a creator as well as that of your contributors. You can accumulate funds for a project you want to start. On the other hand, your contributors feel safe knowing that their money is directed towards a meaningful goal that will also bring them gains in the long run. 

3. Start an organization

Ethereum's application enables you to start your own democratic organization while utilizing the skills of a virtual robot that takes care of all voting processes and releases the results among all members. This kind of autonomic organization takes care of all proposals and credits all selections for a completely unrestricted and unbiased form of virtual administration. 

You can start an organization without personal biases affecting the voting, decision-making and agreement between you and your members. 

The Benefits of Ethereum

Ethereum is a platform that is capable of creating applications that eliminates breaches and downtimes in a project and organization. It operates based on its Ethereum Virtual Machine which is a form of online system that accepts tokens as a form of value exchange. 

This blockchain platform executes its functions based on a series of computer protocols or smart contracts which were previously mentioned in this article. 

Powered by: CryptoDir.com

The upcoming Bitcoin ETF

February 24, 2017 Harry DeVries 0 Comments

A couple of bitcoin ETFs are undergoing the approval process of regulation. The one that has undergone the process for the longest time is the Winklevoss bitcoin ETF. This process has been ongoing for the past 3 and so years. 

Bats has filed a proposed change of rule, which would necessitate listing of the ETF.Bats is the exchange that ETF would be listed on. The process has taken long since the SEC has chosen to extend the decision-making time. However, the decision will be, made by Match 11.

The SEC is considering a few factors in the process of coming up with this decision. The main factor is Bitcoin itself and the SEC is wondering if the digital cash is suitable for ETF since it is not under any form of regulatory monitoring. The SEC is also wondering about the stability, fairness, and efficiency of the markets in which the Bitcoin trades on and if the markets are subject to any form of market manipulation.

Moreover, SEC is considering the Bitcoin reference price and how the Bitcoin would securely be stored.

In the case Bitcoin would be adopted after approval by SEC, it would attract at least $300 million in the first week. A lot of institutional capital would flow into the Bitcoin due to its registration since most institutional fund managers have mandates that make them put funds into registered securities.

The effect of this is drying up of liquidity since everyone wants to buy the Bitcoin and hold it. Additionally, the public will stop seeing Bitcoin as a currency for purchasing illegal goods leading to a lot of People saving Bitcoins. Hence, the chance that regulators would enact regulation against Bitcoin would decrease. All these positive effects would eventually lead to an increase in the price of Bitcoin.

About Bitcoin

Bitcoin is digital cash that is peer to peer and that is also not issued by any central authority. Bitcoin uses peer-to-peer technology to operate with no central authority or banks; managing transactions and the issuing of bitcoins is carried out collectively by the network. Bitcoin is open-source; its design is public, nobody owns or controls Bitcoin and everyone can take part. Through many of its unique properties, Bitcoin allows exciting uses that could not be covered by any previous payment system

A helpful guide into Bitcoin crowdfunding; Initial Coin Offering (ICO's) and initial public offering (IPO)

February 24, 2017 Harry DeVries 0 Comments

Most people know about coins like Bitcoin and Litecoin as well as Ethereum, but there are many other altcoins out there and many ICOs that you can invest into- but what are they and how do you join one? It's actually very simple and can be profitable if you select the right ones.
First of all, Altcoins are just all cryptocurrencies that aren't Bitcoin. Monero, ZCash, you name it, they are all altcoins. There are also tokens like Iconomi in the world that are incorrectly called altcoins- they are actually assets and not even that closely related to coins. Some of them use different algorithms to mine like Burstcoin which uses hdd mining to distribute its coins to users and some even only have PoS, and some with PoS and PoW like Peercoin. No matter what they do and what they are, they are all mostly called altcoins and you can call them altcoins as well.

ICOs are a way for altcoin makers to make money and help distribute coins to the community. Some very successful ICOs include Iconomi and Ethereum, of which the latter was very, very successful. If you invested in the Ethereum ICO you would have made many times your initial investment- this is not common nowadays as there are many more investors than there were previously, but profit is still possible. If you're looking for profit by investing into ICOs, you'll find there are a lot of coins that want attention and money, and it can be difficult trying to find the right ICO.

Some guidelines to follow with altcoins include effort and the method of coin distribution after the ICO, total supply, and also coin price. Be wary of poorly created coins and ones that don't have much effort in them as chances are the coin will be dumped for money or something similar if there is a premine. If a coin has a very fast method of distribution but a high price, the price of the coin will drop very quickly and you will lose money if you invest into it most of the time. Some coins also have too high of a price to be viable to invest in, even if the cause is good. Most such coins with high prices are hype coins and they usually die out very quickly, as do their prices- an example would be Zcash, which had an initial price in the thousands with no ICO or big premine. Price fell like a stone in the following weeks down to where it is, and there was even a big fork dividing ZClassic and normal ZCash. Striking the right balance is rare in the ICO world, but if you find a good altcoin to invest in, go with your gut. It can make you money or lose you money, but you have a good chance of making money either way if you follow these guidelines.

Look for a dev team not a one man team
Always check the company behind the crowdsale (website whois, members linkedin etc).
Check the portfolio/ skillset of the developers
How realistic is the roadmap; can it be executed
Never, but never invest more that you can afford to lose

Umbra - a new, privacy-centered cryptocurrency and messaging platform

February 23, 2017 Harry DeVries 0 Comments

With the advent of cryptocurrencies, privacy has gone to levels we would never have thought of just ten or twenty years ago- but despite all of that, there are still issues with privacy everywhere. You need to tumble and mix coins and make new wallets just to be able to send an 'anonymous' transaction that can possibly be traced right back to its source- why not just have a simple platform where all of that is removed and security is still there? Umbra does just that, and if you're interested in a plaform like it, stick with us. 

Encrypted Messages
Many platforms like Skype all have one major flaw- and that is the fact that the ip of the person you are chatting with can easily be retrieved and used. You don't want a DDOS against you, or malicious things done, right? Umbra makes this easy and secure with seamlessly easy transfers- all you need is the address and a private key from that address, and you are ready to go. All transfers are heavily encrypted, so there is no need for mixing, unlike Bitcoin. Note that you can transfer your funds from a private address to a public address and vice-versa; by using the public address transfers, you're getting slightly better support than with the Bitcoin platform, but private is an entirely different story. Now that we've gotten that out of the way, you can even make open channels and groups with Umbra- similar to Teamspeak or Mumble. You can discuss whatever you wish to discuss on that platform, and everybody has access- it's all transparent. Or if you wish, you can opt for private channels that are invite-only- the possiblities are endless. You can even Direct Message with Umbra- they provide a great messaging system for you to send messages, and as always, it's completely encrypted and constantly being updated for your convenience. 

The Currency
As with all cryptocurrencies, there has to be a main currency being used with transfers- in this case, it's Shadowcash- similar to Monero, Umbra's Shadowcash uses dual-key addresses and ring signatures that automatically 'tumble' coins to make sure transactions are completely private- all with a touch of a button. Like we mentioned before a few sentences ago, Umbra has a private and public account- you can stake easily with the public account balance( note that this is not completely anonymous; for complete secrecy, you may want to use the private account) and send stealthy funds to whoever you wish to send the funds to. And all of it is transferrable with a touch of a button- you won't get stuck coins with Umbra! As such, you will be able to create digital marketplaces with this coin using its anonymous sending features- just like with Monero, we expect this coin will be adopted onto darkweb markets; it's not a guarantee, but it's probably a good choice for those sites since this coin is so private. If you want even more added security, because there's already so many basic features inside of it, you can even further encrypt data to make your account and messages even more uncrackable! With so many features added into it and so many way to use it, Umbra will be a very useful coin in the future, especially for those who like keeping their data intact and uncrackable. More about the Umbra project can be found on: umbra.shadowproject.io

LBRY – A new way to publish and share content online

February 23, 2017 Harry DeVries 0 Comments

People in today's world were looking for a convenient platform in order to publish content and get paid for them. LBRY came out in order to cater that demand. LBRY can simply be defined as a sharing platform, which is based on the blockchain technology. People can easily publish their content on this platform and monetize them through the built in payment system. It combines BitTorrent and Bitcoin services together in order to impress people who are looking forward to share content. 

People can publish all sorts of content, including eBooks, songs and movies on LBRY and share it in a cost effective manner. On the other hand, people who are looking for content can also think of visiting LBRY. LBRY comes along with a user friendly interface and people will never come across any issues when going through its interface. 

As mentioned earlier, LBRY is a combination of Bitcoin and BitTorrent. As a result, people can expect the unique features that they experienced from these two services through LBRY. They include flawed incentive structure, power of blockchain and many more. In addition, LBRY is a platform that was inspired by Uber and Airbnb. That's because LBRY provides an excellent platform for the young entrepreneurs in order to increase the productivity with minimum resources. 

LBRY helps people who publish content to monetize them in a convenient manner. This is powered by the built-in payment system. It comes along with its own payment system, which is facilitated through a crypto currency named LBRY Credits. When someone publishes something on LBRY, he/she is provided with the ability to set a price to it. People who wants to download or stream that content will have to make a payment. A large percentage of the payment goes directly to the publisher. The remaining amount is sent to the hosting providers who store the uploaded files. Apart from these two parties, nobody else gets a cut out of LBRY. The content publishers can also earn micropayments through LBRY. This flexibility in payment can impress both content publishers as well as people who access them. 

LBRY is designed in such a way so that it can become the first mass market crypto application. A large number of financiers and programmers in today's world prefer to use Bitcoin because of the convenience associated with it. However, people rarely use Bitcoin in their day to day life. LBRY is expected to change that trend. 

People access media content that is published on the internet in their day to day lives. LBRY can help them to make their lives easy. On the other hand, content publishers will be able to earn the right amount of money for the content that they publish on this platform. These benefits can contribute a lot towards the popularity of LBRY in the long run. Therefore, it would soon become the most preferred method among people to publish, share and access content they need. 

The pros and cons of Bitcoin ICO and crowdsales

February 22, 2017 Harry DeVries 0 Comments

Bitcoin ICO and crowd sales is a way of raising funds by floating a new cryptocurrency in the bitcoin market. It's more or less similar to a company's initial public offer (IPO) of shares in the stock exchange market. Whereas IPO's are highly regulated, ICO is not. Regardless of the above, bitcoin has enjoyed high success rate and this explains why many bitcoin altcoin ico projects are popping up. Indeed, going public is a pleasant experience and an exciting event as it offers countless advantages to both the bitcoin operations as well as the investor. Sadly, the move also has certain disadvantages.

Here are the pros and cons of bitcoin ICO and crowd sales to the investor.


Capital gain
Capital gain in ICO is an increase in the value of the initial investment that results to a higher worth than the offer or purchase price. Without a doubt, this is perhaps the major advantage of undertaking an ICO. A capital gain may be realized in short-term (a year or less) or in long-term (more than a year). There are countless bitcoin investors out there who have joined the millionaire's club by taking advantage of ICO's.

Ease of trade
Whether you intend to fully immerse yourself into cryptocurrency market or engage the services of a market expert, investing in bitcoin is as easy as a click of a mouse. Remember, the market is unregulated and so there are few hurdles or restrictions to its accessibility and participation. But just like any other investment, utmost diligence, as well as in-depth research in the sector, is critical to success.

There are a greater ease and flexibility of investing in Initial coin offer. There are no strict regulations and so one can choose to invest as much or as little capital as she wants. Actually, to hedge against the future poor performance of a given bitcoin, you can spread the risk by investing in several ICO's. Should the venture not go as predicted, an investor can easily change the strategy by simply chickening put. In ICO, no one is locked in for a fixed term and there aren't penalties for exiting.

Most cryptocurrencies are highly liquid assets. Should there arise a need of cash after a successful ICO, the investor can easily sell the bitcoins. So long as the bitcoins are from reputable platforms they will be sold within a short notice.
Abundant and rich Information

Investing blindly without understanding and knowledge is just pure speculation and relies entirely on luck. This need not happen when undertaking an ICO. Today, there is a lot of valuable information available online and from industry experts. Indeed, this information can help even greenhorns in the industry make an informed decision before buying into an ICO and afterward help them manage their bitcoin portfolios.


Bitcoin market isn't immune to scams and up to now, many investors still consider the industry new and simple industry jargons like bitcoin, cryptocurrency, ICO's and much more are new to them. Well, lack of knowledge common with new investor may be considered a risk in bitcoin altcoin ico projects. Many investors have fallen into scams in the name of ICO ripping them off their hard earned money. Therefore, transparency is key in any ICO and the investors need to be on the watch out before parting with their money. To be on the safe side, learn to work with industry experts.

Like any other financial instrument, bitcoins are highly volatile. Do not be surprised if a well-performing bitcoin acquired in ICO suddenly fall in price. Countless factors can lead to this including industry speculation.

Dash - Privacy, Masternodes and Dash Evolution

February 21, 2017 Harry DeVries 0 Comments

Privacy is getting more and more important, which is why I invest in privacy friendly coins like; Dash, Monero and ShadowCash. Today I will learn yo usomething about Dash, formerly known as Darkcoin.
Dash, released in early 2014, is privacy-centric, open-sourced digital currency with instant transactions. DASH, formerly known as DarkCoin (DRK), is an example of an altcoin. An altcoin, on the other hand, is an abbreviation of "Bitcoin alternative" and describes all cryptocurrencies except for Bitcoin. The name change from DRK to DASH was an effort to put emphasis on Dash's relative speed in comparison to Bitcoin, as well as it's low fees. Mixing is not required when sending Dash transactions, unlike the more advanced coins.

With DASH, no ledger is publicly available as there is with other currencies, making it tricky for third parties to calculate your holdings and analyze your transactions. The altcoin can be said to be the most privacy-conscious cryptocurrency available today. Its inbuilt funding and governance system allows projects to be voted and proposed on by the community. The projects are paid for directly from the Blockchain if approved.

DASH lets you privately store your transactions when conducting payments without waits, similar to cash. Also, transaction fees are lower than credit cards banks, often even free. Thanks to InstantX, the other party receives payments immediately and the cryptocurrency adopts a network that is decentralized, so you do not have to put trust in a third party. Anonymity remains Dash's main value proposition which is accomplished through a modified version of CoinJoin called PrivateSend. PrivateSend is comparable to the CoinJoin feature in that it has been built into some Bitcoin wallets. DASH is currently ranking at 7th place while trading at $17.13 with a market cap of $122,754,620.

Dash Evolution
Dash Evolution is a type of cryptographic currency platform with various features which are advanced that help in the creation of a technology that is decentralized. Dash introduces a network design that is tiered and allows users to perform various tasks on the network, along with API access that is decentralized. The platform is merchant friendly in that you can direct transactions to your mobile app or site in minutes. Also, build relationships which are direct with your clientele by incorporating the blockchain and forget about 3rd party reliance to work with customer payments. Furthermore, users can shop online and pay friends just as they do with Google Wallet and PayPal without losing control of their money. No additional software is needed, and the service is 100% free, open source and decentralized. With Evolution, accounts can easily be set up and invoices can be cleared off.

Monero - secure, private, and untraceable

February 20, 2017 Harry DeVries 0 Comments

Flat currencies are overrated, it will soon to be past. In today's digital age, centralized traditional banking systems are less prune to vulnerabilities. Crypto currency is now considered real money & why not it be? Total net worth of cash in the world is estimated $241 trillion, out of which net worth of internet is $19 trillion.  
Crypto currency

Crypto currency in now considered one of the most secured form of asset in the world. There are around 740 Crypto currencies at present but only 26 out of 740 has market value of more than $10 million.  

Monero is considered one of the top trusted, secure, untraceable & private Crypto currency available today. Founded in April 2014, it has been widely accepted around the world. With market capital of over $169 million, it is currently ranked 4th in the list. With block time of 2min, it uses timestamping of Proof of work (POW) . 
Privacy Features

Now a days as most of Crypto currencies are still somehow traceable, Monero has developed robust system to beat traceability. To provide anonymity to the users, it uses particular protocol of CryptoNote. 

It is one of the advanced Applications layer protocol which makes transactions, amount, sender & receiver identities, source & destination addresses and related credentials literally untraceable through back chains. It should be noted that most of other renowned Crypto currencies are easily traceable through back chains. Main advantage of CryptoNote is that it uses state of the art hash algorithm of CryptoNight. 

CryptoNight is wonderful proof-of-work hash algorithm, which is specially designed to work with general purpose home PC's and Desktops. The crust of its success relies in its simplicity, robustness and minimal processing & memory load, unlike other hash algorithms. It is fully optimized to work with regular processors. 

As world in becoming internet of things, privacy in secure transactions is really a challenge to all development and financial experts. This method is developed by Monero for confidential transactions analogues to bitcoin which uses Confidential Transaction (CT) method instead. 

It is widespread aliasing system based on back chain & is made by Monero developers which makes transactions private. 

Invisible internet project (I2P) is an overlay network specifically designed to make file transfer, messaging, blogging & web surfing privately. In order to implement this network into Monero system, Monero development team has introduced Kovri. 

To make voting system secret, URS is designed which uses ring signature topology, the best available today. 

Clients can now connect with Monero daemon service through 0MQ. Which is a C API (Application Protocol Interface). 

With all above exciting & kind of its own feature's developments has made Monero a champion in digital asset management. Monero has some of the best known development teams. They are constantly working to make Monero truly reliable Crypto currency. Each of the above features are constantly updated regularly. Each of bugs & issues are instantly resolved and updated.  

Monero is just 3 years old but it has evolved rapidly and had strong customer base which is progressing day by day. 

Find more information on Monero visit getmonero.org


February 20, 2017 Harry DeVries 0 Comments

BitShares which is an innovation of bolstered which is cut edge of business people or financial specialists or designers having some typical enthusiasm by discover free market arrangements. It can utilize the force of the all around decentralized accord and basic leadership. According to innovation, it has the ability to accomplish the financial matters which has the web accomplished for data It can also bridle any joined force of all humankind by organizing the disclosure and conglomeration of ongoing information which is already impractical.

Features of are given below:

• It price stability. It provide the coin having the stability of the dollar;
• It has a decentralized asset exchange. It is a fast and fluid trading platform;
• It has an industrial performance and scalability;
• It has a dynamic account permissions. It manages the corporate environment
• It has a recurring & scheduled payments. It has flexible withdrawal permissions;
• It has a referral rewards program. It has network with growth through adoption rewards;
• It has user-issued assets;
• It has stakeholder-approved project funding which is a self-sustaining funding model;
• It has a transferable named accounts. It is easy and secured for transactions;
• It has a delegated proof-of-stake consensus which is a robust and flexible consensus protocol.


It provides smart currencies. It also provides stability. It helps to avoid volatility. It minimizes the taxes & fees.

Industrial strength:

It has a lot of industrial strength. It secures the transactions. It has low overhead. Security cost of these is tiny.


It has no counterparty risk. It provides a wide range with free financial services. It can be applied in many profitable business models.


BitShares is a category of block of chain technology which is extremely complicated and no one can define it with full encapsulation. It is like the ability to send a gold coin via email with analogy. It is a consensus network. It enables a new payment system and gives a complete digital money.

Acquiring BitShares:

Many marketplaces allow people to buy or sell bitcoin. It used in different countries. BitShares can send to peoples by using mobile apps or computers. As like sending cash digitally.

Owning BitShares:

BitShares are stored in a digital wallet. In it there exists either the cloud or a user's computer. It is a kind of virtual bank account which allows users sending or receiving BitShares, it pay for goods and save their money. It is not ensured as like bank accounts.

Exchange of BitShares:

• They are Fees, It has different structured fees.
• Security: It needs to ensure the security.
• Trading & Currencies: It can tell a number of things about the exchange.
• Application program interface: It offers a lot application program interface.


Nowadays BitShares has earned a lot of popularity. Governments has also give importance. People do not know what will become of BitShares. The unregulated way of it could be changed. Governments will take steps for betterment of taxation and to remove their lacking.

Districts 3D Blockchain Applications Platform

February 20, 2017 Harry DeVries 0 Comments

Those businesses that have only limited financial resources and that are unable to spend towards expensive advertisements for attracting more customers need not worry any more because the Districts 3D Blockchain Applications Platform is now available for them. It is a Zine Laabidine Rezig, a.k.a. Zain, an enthusiastic entrepreneur and a game and programming developer, who developed the Districts project. He was the founder of the Blockchain Technology L.L.C. a corporation registered in the UAE. 

Zain's aim was to help those business people who did not have enough financial resources. These business people struggle a lot to compete with big players operating in their fields because big companies do not mind spending huge amounts on expensive advertisements. In other words, small companies with their limited resources will continue to struggle to achieve the growth they aspire for. In fact, sustaining in their field is itself difficult for them. That was mainly the reason Zain worked hard and developed the Districts 3D Blockchain Applications Platform. 

The program regulates itself using crypto-currencies like Bitcoin, Monero, Dash, etc. If you own a small business, you can make more interesting presentations and manage your projects more impressively and efficiently by making use of this program. In other words, you will be able to manage your business services or your store in a better manner. 

In fact, Zain's aim was to help even those business owners who are not tech-savvy or who are literate lay-people with regard to their knowledge in computer science or information technology. This means that if you are not tech-savvy and if you opt to use the Districts 3D Blockchain Applications Platform, you need not write laborious computer codes for making use of this platform for reaching out to more number of customers or for managing your store or business services. 

The foremost benefit you or business owners like you can derive is that you need not squander your time in writing for their projects. You have to follow a few simple steps for choosing a template for your project and for building your DAPP in a jiffy so you can publish as well as manage. 

The Districts 3D Blockchain Applications Platform also comes with certain advanced features like the World 3D generated by the transaction block, Social Networking 3D, Layer address Privacy, and encrypted instant messenger. 

Secondly it is completely a community platform which means all changes in the project will be determined by the community Voice Power. 

The 3D World is another advanced feature that will allow you to communicate easily and directly so you can share your ideas without any hassles. You can do shopping, play games or even place your order for a pizza. Remember that you need not even take off your Virtual Reality or VR Headset. In other words, all the applications and games in this 3D advanced feature are completely VR compatible. 

To cut the long story short, Zain can justifiably claim that he has accomplished his aim of making available a platform that can help even non-tech-savvy business people also to attract more number of customers and manage their business services cost-effectively. 

Augmentors – A world of battle

February 19, 2017 Harry DeVries 0 Comments

Playing games is definitely a stress-buster for everyone. Now, we have come out with the new dimension in the gaming world. It will take your love for the game to the next level, which is something new add to your love for the games. We give you an experience of playing into the world of creatures, where you can amazingly own your creature and take to your place to get ready for the next battle ahead. By this augmentors game, we intend to give our players a battle like feel that allow gamers to summons creatures into the amazing world of battle which looks to real. Isn't strange and amazing. You can own your creature and make them fight as per your battle requirement against your enemies and foes. We have around 50 creatures. In the beginning you will have a opportunity to choose one out of 5 augmentors starter to begin your battle just in your way. 

You need to choose a strong player, as once you choose a augmentor, you are ready to start the battle with your creatures around the world. Once you start the game, you need to win upon your opponents to level up your game as much as high. You have to more to make your augmentor strong. This will definitely increase chances to make your creature, the best one. You will get relics in between the battle. Relics are such type of equipments that will boost up the energy of the creature. You can also purchase these equipments from the store or either you have to play a battle to win most of the equipments. When your creature will gain experience they will be able to unlock next round, skin and much equipment too. You will also get an opportunity to play with multiplayer around the globe. So why to wait, just play augmentors and go inside the world of battle with your creature. 

Augmentor, a unique reality mobile game is created by Michael Deon. This is a first ever reality mobile game come into limelight recently. Many investors has been invested in this reality mobile game to has announced recently an ICO of augmentors Data bits crypted tokens started today January 30, 2017. They are willing to award the early investor that participated with 20% extra DTB. Augmentor reaches 250 btc in just 6 hours of the ICO, which is just amazing. Augmentor mobile game has successfully got much from the investors and has already raised fund through the shark tank. Their aim of raising fund through many investors is completion of the game on time. If they don't get million of fund through investor, they will use another fund which they get earlier in the completion of the game. The experts of mobile game augmentor continue with development part using raised fund. 

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QTUM | UTXO based POS Smart Contract Platform

February 19, 2017 Harry DeVries 0 Comments

A new project called Qtum has been made by the Singapore-based Quantum Foundation that arrangements to merge the Bitcoin convention with QTUM Innovation. The open source project incorporates the Ethereum Virtual Machine with Bitcoin's Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO) model and intends to give brilliant contracts to organizations around the world. 

The Qtum team has been looking closely at the territories in which Bitcoin fails to adapt and grabs this opportunity to differentiate itself. Banks and other financial institutions for example, find in bitcoin a strong competitor, however not all banks and institutions have the resources, funds and knowledge in-house available to adapt or exploit the possibilities of the blockchain. And this is where Qtum steps in. With Qtum's Blockchain for businesses, they can easily adapt and integrate this praised technology in their mainstream operations. Question is however; if and when these organization will adapt this technology? 

A Project That Mixes Bitcoin Code With Ethereum's Virtual Machine

The project Qtum is an intriguing decentralized app (Dapp) that joins the Bitcoin customer 0.13, Proof of Stake (PoS), and the Ethereum Virtual Machine to empower shrewd contract administrations. The project has likewise gotten $1 million in subsidizing from speculators, for example, Fenbushi accomplice Bo Shen, Ethereum prime supporter Anthony Di lorio, BitFund originator Xiaolai Li. Qtum will likely give an esteem exchange convention Dapp stage with the best properties of both projects. 

"Qtum incorporated the EVM onto an UTXO-based blockchain, and composing contracts for this ought to be similarly as simple with respect to Ethereum, yet you get the advantages of the UTXO show," clarifies Qtumdesigner Jordan Earlz. "These advantages incorporate versatile/light wallet bolster by SPV, a more steady model (while Ethereum has forked commonly to settle issues with this), and similarity with existing Bitcoin apparatuses and conventions." 


The Qtum Project Will Deploy Master Contracts and Incentivized Proof of Stake

The Qtum improvement group subtle elements how the stage will permit both brilliant contracts and ace contracts that incorporate off-chain information. The Qtum project discloses to the distribution 8btc that ace contracts finish a great deal more than average keen contracts. 

"An agreement marked by two banks could be ended with the accord of the two banks alone," states the Quantum Foundation. An ace contract gives add up to control to the agreement endorsers over the execution or end of the contracts. That is a copy of genuine situation. The Master Contract is an extraordinary stride forward, conveying new potential to the blockchain application and augmenting the idea of the savvy contract. 

The project additionally claims to be the first to actualize a savvy contract framework using Bitcoin's UTXO while likewise coordinating a Proof of Stake instrument. The system agreement is alluded to as IPOS (Incentivized Proof of Stake) which the engineers say compensates the system members. 

Extensive Testing, Sparknet and Utilizing the Most Stable Blockchain

The Qtum group has constructed two Dapp projects so far including Spring Email and Qloha. Both administrations use cryptocurrency arrangements that improve informing applications and Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (STMP). As per the group, the Qtum project is amidst making desktop and portable wallets for its client base. After broad testing, the engineers plan to reveal its testnet application named "Sparknet" which will be the prelude to the official stage dispatch. Qtum additionally has revealed that the group will search out code surveys from autonomous people and associations willing to explore different avenues regarding the project. 

The project is satisfied to use the Bitcoin convention inside the Qtum project, expressing that the Bitcoin blockchain is the most tried and true openly appropriated record accessible. 

"Bitcoin is the most developed, steady and secure blockchain accessible, in contrast with Ethereum, Bitshares or others which are still viewed as flimsy with the various issues and security issues they had since they were propelled," says the Qtum group. Notwithstanding Bitcoin having the greatest support from the group which offers a huge gathering of devices and programming identified with Bitcoin which can be utilized by quantum too, rather than alternate blockchains which now and then need even the least difficult programming. 

The strengths of the Qtum project will make Qtum, if they will al be released, a strongholder and perhaps the only true bitcoin killer app. Because it's interesting to see their technical approach in action and hopefully we will be able to see it in the near future.

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Monero - secure, private, and untraceable

February 19, 2017 Harry DeVries 0 Comments


Monero is a decentralized and anonymous cryptocurrency with CryptoNight algorithm and which is based on CryptoNote protocol. CryptoNote is a technology that allows the creation of cryptocurrencies which are privacy-centric. Monero is currently trading at $12.67 and has a market cap of $176,198,750. It also has the fastest block generation speed among all CryptoNotes, 1 minute to be exact. Regarding market cap, Monero is the second most successful CryptoNote currency, with a very active community around the coin. 

Monero, launched in 2014, aims to be an untraceable and fungible digital exchange medium. its various forks. You are your own bank with Monero. Only you are responsible and control your funds, plus your accounts and transactions are kept private from prying eyes. Monero features untraceable payments, unlinkable transactions, blockchain analysis resistance and adaptive parameters. Backup of the functionality is done by cryptographically proven schemes academic research. The Research Lab of Monero does most of this research. Currently, Monero is ranked fifth among all cryptocurrencies regarding the market cap. Monero implements four main features which are privacy-enabling that make it stand out from the cryptocurrency market. 

One is the dual key stealth address feature which Monero implements to hide the location of a sent payment. On the Monero blockchain, the transaction where the receiving address is sent can be seen. However, it is an address that is only used once and is generated automatically from Monero's public receiver's address. The addresses that can only be used once and are used for payments are not connected to Monero user public addresses. That public address is incorporated in generating a receiving address which is new for each payment. 

Also, Ring signatures are incorporated by Monero in masking transaction origin. It is not clear which outputs were employed in a transaction which is from the point of view of someone who is looking at the blockchain. In other words, rather than the one true source of payment, a person observing the blockchain sees few origins of payment. The anonymity signal provided by the ring signature feature improves when time goes by since the number of probable outputs incorporated in a transaction goes up with each transaction that is newly created. This is because, from an observer's point of view, the output is never really "spent". A Multi-layered Linkable Spontaneous Anonymous Group signature is an improved version of ring signatures introduced by RingCT which allows for destinations, hidden amounts and origins of transactions with reasonable efficiency and verifiable coin generation. 

A Ring confidential transaction is another Monero privacy feature based on confidential transactions of the Blockstream. Masking the amounts involved in transactions is the basic idea here. Transaction inputs are split into common denominations in Monero. Via a hard fork, RingCT was recently added to Monero, and via another hard fork later this year, it will become a mandatory feature. 

Incorporation of i2p to mask the original IP address of a transaction is the 4th privacy feature found in Monero. When a new transaction occurs, a node gets a notification. The node only has knowledge of the i2p address where the transaction originated from, which is not easily cuffed down to any physical location (unlike common IP addresses). However, the i2p integration on Monero is still work-in-progress.

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What is Ethereum?

February 18, 2017 Harry DeVries 0 Comments

One of the newest types of currencies in the digital world is Ethereum. Ethereum is a type of digital currency that is one of the blockchain currencies that individuals can use. It is similar to its better known cousin Bitcoin, however Ethereum is different in that it allows greater customization as a part of the digital coinage. It is one of the blockchain currencies you may be looking for. It is just one of the things that allows you to make a digital share or proof or anything you need it to be. 

Ethereum is just one of the things you may need in order to customize currency to hold it until it is needed or is released back to the owner. A smart contract allows you to contract the Ether which is the currency itself (Ethereum is the platform,) and the Ethereum allows you to pay people to cut out the middleman. It is one of the things that you can depend on when you are using these digital tokens. It is decentralized currency. It is just one of the types of coins that can fluctuate with what is needed. 

Basically Ethereum is a robot based platform that does all the work for you. Ethereum and blockchain smart wallets offers application control you may need. You can hold a smart wallet and keep your currency customized as to how you want it. It is simply one of the modern ways to make payments in today's world. Use your Smart contract to trade, buy and all of these things are just what you might want to use it for. 

Ethereum is widely thought of as being the currency of the future in some circles so you might want to invest in this currency and get the sort of options and applications you need. It is truly away to benefit from the encryption and the specialized contracts that make up the digital world. The applications of the contracts with Ethereum are basically unlimited. It is one of the good things that you might I enjoy as the funds are decentralized and safe from fraud or other influence. Some researchers state that Ethereum has more advantages than Bitcoin because it is transferable to other forms of currency. 

It is a specialized tradable contract currency. Specialized or smart contracts enable you to do more with digital currency than you have been able to do before. Many can use this currency and can get the sort of programming needed when looking for a digital currency that is useable, and secure and allows exchanges of currencies and contracts. It is great to be able to cut out the middleman when it comes to using various types of currencies and Ethereum allows you to do this. You can customize the currency and do what they need to do with it. It is more technologically feasible and easier to use than Bitcoin. This may be why individuals use this currency and why they think it is the best. Use a smart wallet with Ethereum and be a step up on other digital currencies. It is just the wave of the future. 

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