Meet Your Neo Council Community Candidates

August 28, 2021 Harry DeVries 0 Comments

With the launch of N3, the Neo community has the power to elect a 21 member council to manage the Neo blockchain. The Neo Council will consist of council members and consensus nodes who provide services, maintain the network, and adjust critical blockchain params. NEO holders are rewarded with GAS tokens for successfully voting for a council member.

Every NEO token is worth one vote, and it is important that you use your votes to elect candidates that you feel will best represent your values when making governance decisions. It is also important that you elect council members who have a solid understanding of the Neo blockchain and are capable of carrying out the responsibility of operating a council node.

To ensure a smooth transition from Neo Legacy to Neo N3, the Neo Foundation has used its own NEO to vote in an initial Neo Council, comprising seven NF nodes, four Neo Global Development nodes, and 10 community run nodes.

But from here it is all up to you. You may vote in or vote out anyone you like. Anyone is free to register as a council candidate. This is an important step towards Neo's goal of decentralization.

To help you become familiar with your current candidates, each of the 10 community groups elected into the initial council have provided a general introduction below (listed in alphabetical order). Within these statements, you will learn about their relevant experience, commitments to the Neo ecosystem, and pledges to you as a voter.

We are sure you will find a representative that is right for you.  

For more information on how governance works on Neo, visit